This is the place for handy tips, advice about equipment and anything else that makes life easier for those of us with OPMD.
Let’s learn from each other!
This is the place for handy tips, advice about equipment and anything else that makes life easier for those of us with OPMD.
Let’s learn from each other!
No, I had an Cricopharyngeal myotomy. I also had multiple eyelid surgeries. None of these interventions are permanent. The muscles continue to weaken.
Good hearing from you Manuel. If I give anyone advice: put some money away for that rainy day when you will need an electric wheelchair.
There should be a section here just for sharing tips and suggestions from those with more experience.
I second that on getting an electric wheelchair. Don’t do as I did. I wanted too long. After 15 years on dual forearm crutches, I have fallen twice this year. The second fall was bad. Shattered my right hip and fractured my leg. Exacerbated the tear of my right rototaor cuff and some how did a face plant and fractured the right side of my face. Having OPMD and already being weak recovery has been very slow and very painful. The good news is I am now the proud owner of an electric wheelchair.